
We found 11 property related articles for you to read

Cape Town launches new bus routes
The City of Cape Town launched new MyCiTi bus routes in Melkbosstrand, Sea Point, Oranjezicht and Vredehoek over the weekend, which means fewer buses and minibus taxis will operate in some of these areas.
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'Go Durban!' transport strategy unveiled
Expect major traffic jams in Durban over the next two years. But the eThekwini Municipality said the short-term pain will be replaced by long-term gain as it unveiled a multibillion-rand transport strategy aimed at reaching 85 percent of Durban residents.
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Tolls 'to cause mass tenant migration'
The introduction of e-tolling is set to cause a major upheaval in the Gauteng property market, and especially in the rental sector.
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No answer on Tshwane's gated communities
Gated communities need to move away from only worrying about crime in their neighbourhoods, but look at broader issues that affect the city.
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Legal battle to stop 'eyesore' warehouse construction switches to costs
The Mount Edgecombe Country Club Estate was wrong to go to court to stop the building of a warehouse on nearby land, so it should foot the legal bill.
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Bad landlords 'wreak havoc' in residential property market
The property market has its share of bad landlords says Tony Clarke of the Rawson Property Group.
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Prospective buyer found for Constantia Uitsig wine estate
One of Cape Town's historic landmarks and one of the biggest wine farms, Constantia Uitsig, is in the process of being sold - and the Uitsig restaurant will be closing down.
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Durban's secret glass dome unveiled
For anyone born before the 1980s, John Orr's was synonymous with shopping for the whole family, and a visit to the Dr Pixley kaSeme (West) Street department store was an outing to be savoured.
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Durban suburbs pay up to boost safety
Property owners, businesses and home owners in Durban are putting their hands deeper into their pockets and paying 'super rates' to improve the safety, cleanliness and investor desirability of their neighbourhoods.
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Property development slated for Pretoria's Loftus Versfeld stadium
Pretoria's Loftus Versfeld and its surroundings are set to get a massive economic and aesthetic upgrade with the construction of a R1.2 billion shopping and office precinct which is expected to be operational by the beginning of 2016.
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Bellville residents win battle of the road
The City of Cape Town has backtracked on a controversial plan to extend Uys Krige Drive, buckling to widespread opposition from residents in Hoheizen and surrounding areas in Bellville.
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